Product Reviews
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I used my FieldTorq Super Tool on two deer that were taken last weekend. If there is a hunter out there that doesn’t have this superlative instrument you have no idea what you are missing. The speed, handling, and cleanliness of cleaning game with this tool is phenomenal! In my years of hunting and field dressing, this knife handled all of the chores with unbelievable speed and neatness. I had to make sure I had my knife in my hand when we were done. My friends wanted to take it! Fantastic tool!

I bought this to simplify the process of field dressing whitetail. This has made the process, which I normally do by myself much easier, and has also cut down the time it takes me to get my harvest out of the woods. Great build quality, and great steel. Worth every penny!!

One of the best investments I have made for hunting. It’s very easy to use. You don’t have to worry about cutting the guts or having a saw with you to cut the pelvic bone. I now own two of these. Try one you won’t be disappointed.

The best tool I’ve ever bought to help with the field dressing process of big game, easy to use and affordable!

I’ve had my FieldTorq Super Tool for 5 seasons now and have gutted multiple Iowa deer every season as well as hogs on our farm and have yet needed to sharpen the blade. Every chance I get I encourage people to buy one…they won’t be disappointed. Works better than any other knife I’ve used – it’s faster, safer, and you end up with a cleaner carcass. Thank you!
Whitetail Deer
10 pt buck

I had the privilege of meeting Chris and his unique knife at an UFFDA hunt this past weekend. After watching Chris field dress a small doe and a mature buck, myself and the other guides present were wowed. I will own this knife.
High quality, compact, safe, easy to use, and eliminates the need to carry multiple tools for field dressing. One other big thing, it is extremely clean. Your meat processor will love you. It simplifies field dressing.

My wife purchased the FieldTorq Super Tool for me as a birthday present. At first I didn’t know what to think of it. After doing some research on it and using it out in the field, I am quite pleased with how easy and fast you can gut out a big game animal. I think the best and most important feature is how safe it is. This will be on my belt loop from now on when ever I am hunting and I will be recommending FieldTorq Products to all my family members and friends who hunt or who are looking for a gift for a hunter. Since my wife got me one of the best hunting tools for the field, that means I have to get her something really nice.

Bought the FieldTorq Super Tool at the Great American Outdoor Show last February and have been looking forward to trying it out. Luckily, I was able to do so on opening day of gun season. I was more than impressed with the knife. It performed flawlessly, especially for what I primarily bought it for – splitting the pelvis. Couldn’t be happier with the purchase.

MUST HAVE! Every household needs at least one Bag Boss. It cuts your yardwork time in half. Very easy to use and doesn’t take up any space in the garage. It’s the perfect gift!

Purchased the FieldTorq Super Tool two years ago and have used it on several whitetails the past couple of seasons. It makes quick work of the rib cage and pelvis. General field dressing is a breeze too. My hunting buddies were skeptical at first, but watching me dress a big doe changed their minds quickly. Just bought another. Thank you!

Great knife! Works better than the videos show and gets through pelvic and sternum in short order. This knife has made field dressing saws obsolete….and the quality and design are second to none.
Black Bear

Wow! Got my order in the mail Thursday morning, that evening a friend trapped a wild boar on their lease and didn’t care to process it, so we were gifted a nice fat hog. All I can say is WHAT A DIFFERENCE from my (formerly) favorite old knife! Especially cutting through the pelvic bone and sternum. It was easy, fast, accurate and didn’t cut into anything that needed to remain uncut.

I’m on the pro-staff for a group called Crossbow Warriors and bought the FieldTorq Super Tool 3+ yrs ago, it’s an awesome field dressing get the hang of it very quickly…The blade stays sharp and when you do need to resharpen, the included sharpener works great…I highly recommend this tool to everybody!

I’m a guide for Hero’s Hunt for Veterans and we purchased several of the FieldTorq Super Tools at a trade show. I admit I was skeptical at first, but after guiding Chris (owner of FieldTorq Products and US Army veteran) on a successful whitetail hunt and seeing it in use I was convinced. I got to use the FieldTorq Super Tool today myself and I have to say it’s the best, safest, and most innovative knife I’ve ever used. We highly recommend them!

Amazing knife, outstanding quality, outstanding customer service! Makes field dressing deer a breeze and no longer have to fight the pelvic bone. When cutting the wind pipe don’t have to worry about cutting yourself, I highly recommend the FieldTorq Super Tool to any outdoorsman or woman. I have one and just bought four for Christmas gifts!

First Deer…Knife was awesome. About four minutes to gut and would recommend this knife to any hunter.
Thank you Chris.
Second Deer…Once again amazing knife. Pelvis was like cutting threw butter. Highly recommend this knife.

Hands down the best knife for gutting any big game animal! Easy to use and cuts right through pelvic bone. Have purchased 3 so far, and still not disappointed at all!! Highly recommended.

What an awesome tool the FieldTorq Super Tool is! Yesterday morning I got to use the FieldTorq Super Tool for the first time. I field dressed the deer in under five minutes with no mess. It cut cleanly through the pelvic bone in 10-15 seconds and it also cut through the sternum in another 10 seconds. No need for any other tools or knives. This knife is all you need. Thank you FieldTorq Products for producing a high quality, useful, common sense hunting product. Now I actually look forward to field dressing!

Great knife for cutting hide, pelvic bone, and ribs effortlessly. I don’t leave home without it on my belt. Used it 6 times. Great tool.
Whitetail Deer

I used to dread the sternum and pelvic bones, but this knife changed the game. Used it for the first time this year and it made the initial cuts and gutting much easier too. Ordered two more for my sons. Great hunting tool!

This is one of those inventions that you say “Why didn’t I think of that!” Simple. Effective. Period. I don’t know how it does it but every bluegill we caught, the hook was centered in the upper mouth. Not one was injured from swallowing the hook and was so easy to unhook, no pliers needed! We spent more time fishing and less time trying to unhook fish. We also caught bigger fish than usual, not sure if it was because of the Bug Wing we’ll have to wait and see, but we all had our limits in no time and we had more fun than usual. I’m sure you’ll be getting orders if you haven’t already from every one of my buddies!

I bought the FieldTorq Super Tool at the Deer Classic in Iowa. I love this knife! I have used it on wild hogs, deer, and coyotes and have done several animals and it’s still razor sharp! My friends watched me use it and now they have one as well!

I am a Metropark Ranger and a member of the DMT (deer management team). I used the FieldTorq Super Tool to dress out over 75 deer on a three day cull. It out-performed every other knife and tool the team used.
Great tool!

I first saw the FieldTorq Super Tool on Wild TV and thought it looked like a good product so I ordered one. The first time I used it the gutting time was cut in half. I used to use a saw to split the pelvis and breast bones and would always worry about poking a hole in the stomach or bladder. The FieldTorq Super Tool worked so slick for this with no worries, just like a can opener… It also worked very well for skinning too. A very solid knife. I now have both models.

Using the FieldTorq Super Tool is like pulling a zipper….. It’s easier than easy use. Thank you for creating a FANTASTIC tool.

I had the privilege of meeting Chris and his unique knife at an UFFDA hunt this past weekend. After watching Chris field dress a small doe and a mature buck, myself and the other guides present were wowed. I will own this knife.
High quality, compact, safe, easy to use, and eliminates the need to carry multiple tools for field dressing. One other big thing, it is extremely clean. Your meat processor will love you. It simplifies field dressing.

This year I have gutted 6 deer with this knife and it is easy to use.

Got the FieldTorq Super Tool after seeing it on Wild TV and using a buddies. It keeps it’s edge and makes field dressing easy and fast. With the FieldTorq Super Tool, the work is done with no cut fingers and no inadvertent punctures.

I have to admit I was skeptical about the capability of the FieldTorq Super Tool. I am fairly proficient at gutting an animal. I did not think there was much better than the Gerber tool that I had used for the last 8 years. Boy was I wrong. You have created a master piece. The knife was incredible. It cut my 10 minute gutting time in half! It was a thing of beauty watching it cut through the hide. Thank you for such an incredible tool. You have really simplified the gutting experience. You were a true gentlemen to deal with and I will be recommending this knife to all my fellow hunters. I wish you the best and thank you again for such a great knife.
Whitetail Deer

Used my father-in-law’s FieldTorq Super Tool in Ontario this year to gut a black bear and then again just last week to dress a large whitetail! Smooth operations during both! I have to give my father-in-law’s back, so, today I ordered my own!

We used the FieldTorq Super Tool on 40 deer. This is an amazing field dressing knife. Not only is it easy to use, but it held its edge unbelievably well. It was used on 28 deer before needing to be re-sharpened. Congratulations on a well thought-out, high functioning product!

I got two of the FieldTorq Super Tools, one for myself and one for my brother-in-law. Both of us have used them for the past two years…AWESOME knife! Anyone that has seen us use it has said they need to get one.

Love this knife! As an engineer I appreciate a well designed piece of equipment and I’m amazed with this knife. Quite frankly it’s an engineering marvel the way it optimally cuts hide, flesh, and bone. I typically used a short knife for cutting inside the game and placed my finger over the tip so as not to nick any of the intestines. With this knife I can now do that very safely. As well as being able to cut my way through any bones. I like how this knife fits in my hand and has a good balance. Like I said, this is a well designed knife right down to the sharpener and the sheath.

Finally got to use the FieldTorq Super Tool…AMAZING!!! Just wanted to send my regards and thank you for this amazing tool!

Used my FieldTorq Super Tool for the first time this year and all I can say is… Wow! It is everything you said it would be. It cut that nasty job in half. It was worth every penny!

My Son gave me the FieldTorq Super Tool for Father’s Day and I was fascinated by the design. Our group in CO this year had success with 5 cow Elk. A few flips of the blade and unzipping the bounty was smooth and the “V”-designed blade made the guys with me just stand back and ogle at the ease and cleanliness of cutting the hide, pelvis, and windpipe. Your design is very unique, safe, effective, and very user friendly!

Chris, I am a long time elk hunter and enjoy hunting in the Western states. Recently, I used your FieldTorq Super Tool during a Montana archery hunt with my brothers and friends. It was a productive trip yielding 2 elk, 2 mule deer and 1 antelope. Your knife performed extremely well and is handy to use. We found the unique design to be safer than working with a standard straight blade in the tight quarters of the chest cavity. We never needed to resharpened it…2 elk, 2 mule deer, and an antelope without resharpening…Amazing!